Tank Officer 1802

Photo by Cpl. Israel Chincio
Marine Corps Tank Battalions have deactivated to align with the Force Design 2030 strategy.
The Tank, Assault Amphibious Vehicle and Amphibious Combat Vehicle occupational field includes operation, employment, maneuver, and maintenance of tracked vehicles in the combined arms environment during both amphibious assaults and subsequent land operations ashore. The duties involved are incident to the operation, employment, maneuver, and maintenance of tanks and assault amphibious vehicles.
What is an 1802?
Tank Officers command or assist in commanding tank units. They provide recommendations to the supported unit commander for the tactical employment of tank units. Tank Officers, as maneuver unit leaders, must be able to evaluate intelligence and the operational situation and formulate, coordinate, and execute operation orders.
Are there any prerequisites to becoming a Tank Officer
(1) Must have vision correctable to 20/20.
(2) Must have normal color vision.
(3) Must have a WS-B Water Survival.
(4) Officers must meet the Ground Combat Arms MOS Classifications Standards. For the Physical Fitness Test, officers must perform at least 6 pull-ups and run 3-miles in 24:51 or less. For the Combat Fitness Test, officers must perform at least 60 ammo can lifts, run the movement to contact in 3:26 or less, and navigate the maneuver under fire in 3:12 or less.
Where do I go after TBS?
After TBS, officers must complete the 133 day Armor Officer Basic Leader- Branch Course (AOBLC) at the U.S. Army Armor School at Fort Benning, GA. The purpose of the course is to provide commanders in the field with Armor Platoon Leaders trained in the fundamentals of tank and reconnaissance platoon weapon systems and tactics, focused in the Current Operational Environment thus instilling in them the warrior spirit and preparing them to assume command of a mounted platoon.
What is it like being a Tank Officer?
A typical first tour assignment for a Tank Officer is as a Platoon Leader within an O-5 (Lieutenant Colonel) command at a Tank Battalion within the MARDIV as part of the GCE of the MAGTF. There is one Tank Battalion subordinate to both 1st and 2nd MARDIVs as well to 4th MARDIV as part of MARFORRES: 1st Tank Battalion aboard MCAGCC Twentynine Palms, CA (1st MARDIV); 2nd Tank Battalion aboard MCB Camp Lejeune, NC (2nd MARDIV); and 4th Tank Battalion in San Diego, CA (4th MARDIV). The Platoon Leader is responsible for the tactical employment, collective training, administration, personnel management, and logistics of a platoon of 15 Marines and four M1A1 Abram Tanks. Tank Officers may also serve as an Executive Officer within a Tank Company or as a Scout or Tracked, Wired Command Link Guided Missile (TOW) Platoon Commander or Executive Officer within the Headquarters and Service Company.
Recommended reading for Tank Officers
The Fires of Babylon: Eagle Troops and the Battle of 73 Easting. Mike Guardia
The Defense of Hill 781: An Allegory of Modern Mechanized Combat. James R. McDonough
Thunder Run: The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad. David Zucchino and Mark Bowden
Marine Tank Battles in the Middle East. Oscar E. Gilbert
Lead Yourself First: Inspiring Leadership through Solitude. Raymond M. Kethledge and Michael S. Erwin
Related occupations
1803, Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Officer (I) (LtCol to 2ndLt) PMOS
1812, Armor Marine (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS
1833, Assault Amphibious Vehicle (AAV) Crewmember (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS
1834, Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) Crewmember (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS
1867, M1A1 Tank Master Gunner (MGySgt to Sgt) NMOS (1812)
Sources/Credits: Please note that the information above was derived from and in most cases taken directly from the "Marine Officer MOS Assignment Handbook". The Basic School. Camp Barrett. March 3, 2019. All credit goes to the great staff at TBS for putting this together.
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