OCS Physical Fitness

Photo by Tia Dufour
Sound physical fitness is a necessary attribute of a Marine officer. In this sense physical fitness is the ability to perform certain physical acts that test strength, agility, coordination, and muscular and cardiovascular endurance. About ten hours of each training week are devoted to physical conditioning. Total fitness requires progressive body development through the balanced coordination of all muscle groups. When carried out correctly, this will result in overall fitness, proper posture, and stimulation of mental reaction. OCS' physical training program uses physical training methods that completely develop the individual to maximum capacity with no imbalances in total fitness. While most Marines do crunches, pull-ups, and run in preparation for the PFT, total physical fitness demands maximum development of all muscle groups and cardiovascular fitness. The PFT is only one part of this concept.
Physical Fitness Grade
The physical fitness grade is derived from the following events:
The Marine Corps PFT will be administered at various times to measure the quality and degree of each officer candidate's strength and endurance. Officer candidates will receive a numerical grade on the test based on their overall score. Platoon staff members are the primary evaluators for the PFT. The test consists of the following events:
- While at OCS the minimum passing score (80 %) on the PFT for all officer candidates will be 225 points, regardless of age or gender. Each officer candidate enrolled in a ten-week course will be administered an inventory, intermediate, and final PFT. Each officer candidate enrolled in a six-week course will be administered an inventory and final PFT.
The purpose of the Marine Corps CFT is to assess physical capacity in a broad spectrum of combat-related tasks and to evaluate strength, stamina, agility and coordination as well as anaerobic capacity. The test consists of the following events:
(1) Movement to contact. This event consists of an 880-yard run in utilities
trousers, green t-shirt,
and boots.
(2) Ammunition can lift. This event consists of pressing a 30-pound ammunition
can for maximum repetitions in two minutes.
(3) Maneuver under fire. This event consists of a maneuver course on the
physical training field.
Obstacle Course
The Obstacle Course is designed to test an officer candidate's agility, strength, coordination and endurance. All officer candidate programs are evaluated on a timed single run for a weighted grade, except for PLC-Jr. Platoon staff members are primary evaluators for the Obstacle Course.
Endurance Course
Officer candidates will receive a numerical grade based on the time they take to complete the course. The course consists of the Obstacle Course, a designated run, the Senior’s Stamina Course, and designated obstacles on the Combat Course. Portions of the event are conducted with combat equipment. Platoon staff members are the primary evaluators for the Endurance Course. Officer candidates who do not complete all the obstacles on the Obstacle Course will fail the Endurance Course.
Stamina Course
This course is run by PLC-Jr in place of the Endurance Course. Officer candidates will receive a grade based on time to complete the course. Officer candidates complete the Obstacle Course, a designated run, and the Junior's Stamina Course. Portions of the event are conducted with combat equipment. Platoon staff members are the primary evaluators for the Stamina Course.
Conditioning March
All POIs except PLC-Jr will conduct a 15-km (9.3-mi) conditioning march with a loaded pack. This hike is a pass/fail event and a graduation requirement.
Height/Weight/Body Fat Standards
The provisions of Marine Corps Order (MCO) 6110.3 w/ch 1, Marine Corps Body Composition and Military Appearance Program, apply to all officer candidates. Officer candidates will be administered the height/weight/body fat check before the inventory and again before the final PFT. Officer candidates who are not in compliance with Marine Corps height/weight standards will not graduate and/or receive their commission.