Marine Corps Martial Arts Program - MCMAP

Photo by Lance Cpl. Jack Chen
The focus of Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) is the personal development of each Marine in a team framework using a standardized, trainable, and sustainable close combat fighting system. As a weapon-based system, all techniques are integrated with equipment, physical challenges, and tactics found on the modern battlefield. The MCMAP is designed to increase the warfighting capabilities of individual Marines and units, enhance Marines’ self-confidence and esprit de corps, and foster the warrior ethos in all Marines. The MCMAP is a weapon-based system rooted in the credo that every Marine is a rifleman and will engage the aggressor from 500 meters to close quarter combat.
Purchase a physical copy of the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) Book
Training Equipment
Most of the protective gear worn during Marine Corps martial arts is standard issue from the Individual Issue Facility (IFF). However, there are some items that must be purchased on your own.
Mouth Guard - For the most part, you don't have to worry about getting hit in the face, but sometimes it just happens. An inexpensive mouth guard will protect your teeth from chipping, and prevent them from getting knocked out. These are always required during martial arts training, especially when ground fighting or sparring.
Hand Wrap and/or Gloves - Protect your knuckles from abrasions and bleeding. Some Marines prefer to act tough and hit the pads bare knuckled. The problem with that mentality is that it's going to slow your training, slow your recovery, and detract from focusing on technique. Marines have to wear gloves during sparring, so you might as well have a pair of your own.
If your training at home consider getting some Muay Thai Pads. A set of strike pads is all you'll need to be able to sustain and train at home. I like to get my wife to hold them!
MCMAP Training Log
The logbook is a very important part of MCMAP and should be maintained seriously. Most Marines will find themselves learning techniques on an inconsistent basis and without an accurate log the sustainment and instruction hours you put in won't matter to a different MAI. This is the proof that you have met the requirements to test out for the next level belt.
Tan Belt
The Tan Belt is the first belt level in MCMAP and is the minimum basic requirement for all Marines. Tan Belt training includes the introduction to the basic fundamentals of the mental, character, and physical disciplines of MCMAP conducted during entry-level training. Warfighting concepts, character values, and the basic fighting techniques that are required of a basically trained Marine are also included in Tan Belt training. In addition to MCMAP requirements, Tan Belt training and readiness events are also a component of Marine Corps common skills volume I in accordance with Marine Corps Order P3500.72A, Marine Corps Ground Training and Readiness (T & R) Program.
Prerequisites: None
Training Hours: Minimum of 27.5 hours of instruction, excluding remedial practice time and testing
Sustainment Hours: None
Tan Belt Publication
Tan Belt Test _(download the files and open with Adobe Reader)
Gray Belt
Gray Belt is the second belt ranking within MCMAP. Within two years of qualifying as a Tan Belt, all Marines are expected to advance to Gray Belt. Gray Belt includes the completion of basic fundamentals and introduction to intermediate fundamentals of each discipline and is the minimum requirement to attend the Martial Arts Instructor Course. The purpose and principles remain the same as outlined in Tan Belt.
Recommendation of reporting senior
Complete Tan Belt sustainment and integration training
Complete MCI [Marine Corps Institute] 0337, Leading Marines
Training Hours: Minimum of 20 hours of instruction, excluding
remedial practice time and testing
Sustainment Hours: Minimum of 5 hours of sustainment, excluding integration training time and
practice time for testing
Gray Belt Publication
Gray Belt Character Tie-ins
Gray Belt Test (download the files and open with Adobe Reader)
Green Belt
Green Belt is the third belt ranking within MCMAP. Within two years of qualifying as a Gray Belt, all Marines are expected to advance to Green Belt. Green Belt includes completion of intermediate fundamentals. Purpose, principles, and movement remain the same as outlined in Gray Belt.
Recommendation of reporting senior
Complete Gray Belt sustainment and integration training
Appropriate level PME complete
Training Hours: Minimum of 17.65 hours, excluding remedial practice time and testing
Sustainment Hours: Minimum of 8 hours of sustainment, excluding integration training time and
practice time for testing
Green Belt Publication
Green Belt Character Tie-ins
Green Belt Test _(download the files and open with Adobe Reader)
Brown Belt
The fourth belt ranking within MCMAP is Brown Belt. Upon qualifying as a Green Belt, all Marines are highly encouraged to continue MCMAP sustainment training in order to advance to Brown Belt. Brown Belt is the introduction to advanced fundamentals of each discipline. Brown Belt is the minimum training goal of all infantrymen. Purpose and principles remain the same as in Gray Belt.
Recommendation of reporting senior
Complete Green Belt sustainment and integration training
Complete PME
Training Hours: A minimum of 18.5 hours, excluding remedial practice time
and testing
Sustainment Hours: A minimum of 15 hours of sustainment, excluding integration training time and practice time for testing
Brown Belt Publication
Brown Belt Character Tie-ins
Brown Belt Test _(download the files and open with Adobe Reader)
Black Belt
The Black Belt is the fifth belt ranking within MCMAP. Upon qualifying as a Brown Belt, all Marines are highly encouraged to continue MCMAP sustainment training in order to advance to Black Belt. At an advanced level, the purpose and principles remain the same as outlined in all of the previous belts.
Recommendation of reporting senior
Complete Brown Belt sustainment and integration training
Appropriate level PME complete
Training Hours: Minimum of 20.7 hours, excluding remedial practice time and testing
Sustainment Hours: Minimum of 20 hours of sustainment, excluding integration training time and practice time for testing
Black Belt Publication
Black Belt Character Tie-ins
Black Belt Test (download the files and open with Adobe Reader)