Ground Supply Officer 3002

Ground Supply Officer 3002

Photo by Cpl. Nicholas Martinez

5 min read

The Supply Chain Material Management occupational field includes personnel in the areas of ground supply chain management operations, inventory management, preservation and packaging, hazardous materials storage and handling operations, fiscal accounting and purchasing, and contracting procedures pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Regulations. Duties involve administrative procedures, familiarization with state, Federal, and Department of Defense (DoD) regulations, and the use of material handling equipment in the movement and storage of materiel and equipment.

In all MOSs within the occupational field, technical skills are required regarding military and commercial specifications on materiel and equipment being procured, stored, and maintained. These skills and duties must be performed in garrison, afloat, expeditionary and combat environments. These Marines are required to have an operational understanding in executing supply chain functions and programs, some of which are unique to the service and DoD as well as provide for effective and efficient end-to-end materiel support in the area of material management. Marines assigned to the occupational field are trained to utilize data scanning, and retrieval devices; office and inventory management procedures; automated information data entry and external systems interface procedures; asset accounting functions; financial budget formulation; management and analysis; and the proper handling, storage, and disposal of hazardous material.

What is an 3002?

Ground Supply Officers are a special Staff Officer that supervises the Commanders’ Property, Plant, & Equipment (PP&E) and Operating Material & Supplies (OM&S) to ensure data accuracy, existence, and completeness (equipment accountability, visibility, and auditability). They supervise and coordinate ground supply administration and operations for supply activities, units, bases, or stations, to include operating forces and shore station organizations. Ground Supply Officers may direct the activities of a maintenance distribution or industrial type organization. They command or serve in either an operating forces service unit or a non-operating forces activity. Ground Supply Officers supervise the execution of supply chain management policies and procedures pertaining to: procurement; receipt; inventory control; repair; storage; distribution; issue; disposal; and computation and maintenance of stock positioning requirements. They provide supply support insight for operational planning requirements; supervise transportation of supplies and equipment; manage the transmittal of public funds; participate in the budget process, administer, and expend allotted funds; and make necessary recommendations to the Commanding Officer regarding supply support procedures.

Are there any prerequisites to becoming a Ground Supply Officer

There are no prerequisites to becoming a Ground Supply Officer other than the MOS school(s).

Where do I go after TBS?

After TBS, officers must complete the 82 day Ground Officer Supply Course at the Ground Supply School aboard Camp Johnson, MCB Camp Lejeune, NC. The purpose of the course is to provide entry-level instruction in supply administration and operational procedures to Marine Officers who are seeking the 3002 or Marine Warrant Officers appointed to the 3010 MOS. This course is designed to develop the basic technical and managerial skills required of Supply Officers assigned to using unit billets within the operating forces. Instruction focuses on the functions performed within the operating forces, using unit supply account, to include instruction in the Global Combat Support System-Marine Corps (GCSS-MC). The main subjects included are property management, requisitioning additional demands, fiscal management, personnel management, miscellaneous supply procedures, and combat service support. Additionally, the topic areas covered are allowance management, sub-custody procedures, inventory procedures, investigations, missing lost stolen recoverable item reports, maintenance management, requisitioning, unit management reports, budget formulation, budget execution, personal effects, audit and verification, certificate of relief, train the trainer integration, value based leadership, combat service support planning concepts, supply support for the logistic combat element, embarkation, and the maritime prepositioning force.

What is it like being a Ground Supply Officer?

The support provided by Ground Supply Officers is required aboard every major Marine Corps installation and in units across the MAGTF. A typical first-tour assignment for a Supply Officer is as the OIC of a Supply Section within an O-5 (Lieutenant Colonel) level command at a battalion or squadron. Ground Supply Officers serve as special staff officers to the Commanding Officer, managing unit property records and supervising the procurement of all requests for supplies and services. Additionally, they serve as the fiscal officer and manage the unit’s budget.

Recommended reading for Ground Supply Officers

Pacific Express: The Critical Role of Military Logistics in World War II. William L. McGee
Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton. Martin Van Creveld
Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerilla. David Kilcullen
The Science of War: Defense Budgeting, Military Technology, Logistics, and Combat Outcomes. Michael E. O’Hanlon
Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. Simon Sinek

Related occupations

  • 3006, Operational Contract Support (OCS) Officer (LtCol to Capt) NMOS (3002)
  • 3010, Ground Supply Operations Officer (III) (CWO5 to WO) PMOS
  • 3043, Supply Chain and Materiel Management Specialist (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS
  • 3044, Operational Contract Support (OCS) Specialist (MGySgt to Sgt) PMOS
  • 3051, Inventory Management Specialist (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS
  • 3052, Packaging Specialist (MGySgt to Pvt) PMOS

Sources/Credits: Please note that the information above was derived from and in most cases taken directly from the "Marine Officer MOS Assignment Handbook". The Basic School. Camp Barrett. March 3, 2019. All credit goes to the great staff at TBS for putting this together.

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