Air Intelligence Officer 0207

Photo by Cpl. Kyle Chan
Air Intelligence Officers serve as the intelligence functional experts at all command levels of the MAW. They develop and execute intelligence plans, policies, and procedures that facilitate operations across the six functions of Marine aviation. They are the advisors to commanders, staffs, and pilots on intelligence activities, operations, and actions as well as the provider of intelligence products to support mission planning and execution. They also support the overall intelligence effort of the parent command or intelligence authority.
Are there any prerequisites to becoming a Air Intelligence Officer
- Must meet SCI eligibility guidelines based on a SSBI/T5 Investigation.
- Intelligence MOS Marines are required to have a DLAB test score on file in their OMPF. Intelligence MOS Marines that score above 100 on the DLAB may be designated to attend formal language training. There is no minimum DLAB score required before being assigned the 0207 PMOS. Intelligence Officers will be administered the DLAB before being assigned the 0207 PMOS.
Where do I go after TBS?
After TBS, officers must complete the 45 day Tactical Intelligence Officer Course (TIOC) at MCIS aboard the NAS Oceana Dam Neck Annex, VA. TIOC is a prerequisite for the 0203, 0204, 0206, and 0207 MOSs and is designed to train Marine Officers in the combat, operational, and administrative skills required of an Intelligence Officer in the Operating Forces. The learning objectives are achieved through reading doctrinal publications, policy, and emerging concepts followed by guided discussion, informal lectures, or group practical application instructional methodologies.
Following TIOC, officers must complete the 74 day Air Intelligence Officer Course (AIOC) at MCIS aboard NAS Oceana Dam Neck Annex, VA. The purpose of the course is to train direct accession Marine Officers entering the 0207 MOS in the combat, operational, and administrative tasks required of an Air Intelligence Officer. Emphasis is placed on the application of intelligence tactics, techniques, and procedures related to the unique requirements of MAGTF operations. The course provides instruction on: the intelligence cycle; intelligence disciplines; briefing skills; national, theater, USMC, and MAGTF intelligence structure; intelligence analysis; threat weapons, equipment, organization, doctrine and tactics; intelligence preparation of the battlespace; computer-based applications; national, theater, USMC and MAGTF intelligence collection assets; collections planning; collections management; reconnaissance and surveillance planning; MCPP; rapid response planning process; intelligence support to military operations other than war; terrorism, intelligence support to anti-terrorism and force protection; targeting in a conventional and asymmetric environment; cultural intelligence; and garrison intelligence operations.
What is it like being a Air Intelligence Officer?
A typical first tour assignment for an Air Intelligence Officer is as either the unit Intelligence Officer or the Assistant Intelligence Officer (S-2 or S-2A) within an O-5 (Lieutenant Colonel) or O-6 (Colonel) level command at either a fixed-wing or rotarywing squadron or at one of the MAGs within the MAW as part of the ACE of the MAGTF. Air Intelligence Officers can also be assigned to a company within an Intelligence Battalion as part of the CE of the MAGTF or to the Air Combat Intelligence (ACI) section within the G-2 at a MAW in support of a Major or Lieutenant Colonel on a General Officer staff. Billets typically include Squadron S-2 Officer, MAG S-2A, Targeting Officer, Collections Officer, Production and Analysis Officer, Dissemination Officer, Imagery/Topographic Platoon Commander, and/or Company Executive Officer.
Recommended reading for Air Intelligence Officers
- Intelligence Analysis: How to Think in Complex Environments. Wayne Michael Hall and Gary Citrenbaum
- The Art of Intelligence: Lessons from a Life in the CIA’s Clandestine Service. Henry A. Crumpton (free audiobook or kindle book)
- The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB. Christopher Andrew (free audiobook or kindle book)
- The Secrets of Inchon. Eugene Franklin Clark
- How to Lie with Maps, Second Edition. Mark Monmonier and H.J. de Blij
Related occupations
- 0203: Ground Intelligence Officer (1stLt to 2ndLt) PMOS
- 0204: Counterintelligence/Human Source Intelligence Officer (1stLt to 2ndLt) PMOS
- 0205: Master Analyst (CWO5 to WO) PMOS
- ... [additional occupations listed in the original content]
Sources/Credits: Please note that the information above was derived from and in most cases taken directly from the "Marine Officer MOS Assignment Handbook". The Basic School. Camp Barrett. March 3, 2019. All credit goes to the great staff at TBS for putting this together.
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